How to Write a Case Study: Guide for Freshmen

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How to Write a Case Study: Guide for Freshmen

A case study is a research method which involves a descriptive and comprehensive examination of a particular subject. The pattern used to approach a solution is pretty much the same as employed by the essay writing services. This scheme of steps is simple and very effective to yield accurate solutions. The steps are:

Sort The Requirements:
By reading the prompt statement, you should identify which type of case study you are allotted to perform. For this purpose, you should read the question statement thoroughly and highlight keywords plus the relevant problems. Once you have this sorted, perform the following analysis:

  • Why does the problem exist?
  • What impact do they have on the surrounding or the organization?
  • Who is responsible for such problems?
  • What are the possible solutions to these problems?

Seek answers to these questions and proceed further to the next step.

Research and Collect Data:
This step is basically about bringing your perspective into the limelight. To achieve this objective, you need the support of concrete evidence and findings to convey this information to the masses in a generic tone.

Research about your case by utilizing all mediums available and refine your case into a better understandable form. Secondly, you can carry out surveys and polls to embed the say of many into your case study. However, such surveys should be conducted on a large spectrum to reflect the thinking of a large chunk of the population.

The Writing Phase- Crucial Points to Keep in Check:
Crafting a case study is the trickiest step to convey information across the other end. In order to insert a qualitative material in your study, it is vital to devise an outline which displays the proportion of information in each part. Generally, the case study constitutes five parts:

1) Introduction:
This part should introduce the key problems and the issues located in the case study. Furthermore, the introduction should state a thesis statement and summarise the outcome of your study in a few lines.

2) Background Context:
This section should deal with some past context of the case and the relevant facts associated with it. This section is all about demonstrating your ability to identify the case’s key problems.

3) Alternative Solutions:
State the alternative solutions to the case and explain why these solutions were rejected. Ensure that you present a clear and concise explanation to reject these solutions.

4) Propose Solution:
Devise a solution and explain why such a solution is practical. Backing this solution with some concrete evidence is essential. For this purpose, you can employ the use of anecdotes, external research, or the findings through other means.

5) Recommendations:
In this section, you should discuss specific strategies to achieve the devised solution. Also, you can mention further steps to eradicate the root cause of such problems.

Finalize Your Case:
Once you have completed the writing phase, read your text document and ask yourself:

  • Is there any inconsistency found in the sentences of the case study?
  • Does the thesis statement convey the message in a clear, crisp manner?
  • Is the evidence concrete enough to provide a foundation to the case?

Answer these questions and apply final tweaks to your case study.

Congratulations! You can now formulate a case study all by yourself. Remember to adhere to these guidelines to get started right away.