Everything You Need To Know About The Four Types Of Sentences - UK Essay Writers Blog

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Everything You Need To Know About The Four Types Of Sentences

Language is a method of communicating your thoughts, opinions, and words to the other person. In your life, you will be communicating with different types of people, whether in the role of a teacher, mother, or an employer. You may be giving instructions, asking questions, or simply making a statement. But you will be required to structure your sentences according to the person you are speaking with and what you need to convey or find out.

Different professionals are trained to use sentences in special ways. Sometimes, they may use interrogative sentences to show command or demand respect. Police officers and lawyers will make use of interrogative sentences to reach the core of the matter or continue their investigations. They are trained to ask questions with expertise. In the same way, a doctor or psychiatrist asks their patients interrogative questions to find out the cause of the problem.

The manner in which they ask questions plays a very important role in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A teacher’s life is full of interrogative sentences for her students. She has to ask them many things on several occasions. She has to ask interrogative questions to know if they are attentive in class and if they were following the concepts and instructions. For a student, knowing the types of sentences is important as it will be the basis for them in writing essays.

Four Types of Sentences

  1. Declarative sentence
  2. Imperative sentence
  3. Interrogative sentence
  4. Exclamatory sentence
  5. Declarative Sentences

A declarative sentence, like its name suggests, makes a declaration. You are making a statement. You announce something. Declarative sentences are widely used by students. You can see its implications in assembly, in classrooms, when a holiday is announced, an upcoming event is to be stated or when a position of a student is celebrated or a student is asked to share their experience.

Declarative sentences may be short statements. They only need to be delivered and do not require a reply.

Examples of declarative sentences are stated below:

I am fond of cooking different types of dishes.

According to today’s forecast, it might rain.

Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences play a big role in a teaching institute where instructions are to be given, or at a workplace where people are ordered to follow their task. The speaker’s tone plays an important role here. The same instruction can be given harshly or strongly where needed. In other places, the command can be given without harshness but firmly enough to be followed.

The speaker supposes that their command will be followed whether given to a manual staff, to the students, or a subordinate. Not just the words, but the tone of the speaker can show the importance of the sentence. In a mellow tone, the same instructions might be ignored. In a stronger tone, the orders will demand to be obeyed.

Examples of imperative sentences are:

  1. The work should be completed and submitted on Tuesday.
  2. Line all the chairs in a row.
  3. All students line up and move towards the auditorium for the session.
  4. I need complete silence in class.

Interrogative Sentences

These sentences always end with a question mark because they are asking a question. Interrogative questions always require a response. They might be probing or assessing. For teachers, interrogative questions are a valuable tool to assess the understanding of the students.

These questions could be simple and just knowledge-seeking or asking for a recall. A teacher can expertly ask interrogative questions which can determine the processing skills of the student. Sometimes, a passage is given to the students to learn, and questions are written at the end to assess the understanding of the student. The questions could be asking a student’s opinion of the matter.

Examples of interrogative sentences are:

  1. Do you think that
  2. What are the three states of matter?
  3. How will you compare the events between World War 1 and World War 2?
  4. Did you find any problems in solving question 2?

Exclamatory Sentences

These sentences are very expressive. They can be full of excitement, anger, suspense, or grief. They come spontaneously to the speaker and express feelings and emotions exactly the way the speaker

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